Member Benefits
Be a part of the growing profession of Reflexology
Discover your niche and advance your skills in this speciality
Receive the most current information of legislative policies impacting Reflexologists
Attend MDRA workshops and earn continuing education
Be a part of a multi cultural melting pot of experienced Reflexologists
Network and connect with multi-state members
Find support for yourself and your practice
Share your experiences with other Reflexologists at quarterly MDRA meetings, events and workshops
Grow with your practice. Explore leadership opportunities through MDRA
Receive a free member listing on our website
Receive member discounts on workshops and continuing education credits

Levels of Memberships
Professional Member $50.00
Professional Membership requires successful completion of training from a school of reflexology and successful passing and maintaining obligations to ARCB.
Practitioner Member $50.00
Practitioner Member requires successful completion of 110 hours of reflexology training from a reflexology school.
Advocate/Student Member $25.00
Advocate/Student Membership is open to any non certified reflexologist, student training in reflexology, clients or other interested persons. Please note, the student membership is only available for one year.